Charles Sizemore, publisher of The Sizemore Investment Letter ( and Jeff Reeves, editor of ( talk about the stock picking contests for 2011 and 2012.
Find out how Charles Sizemore won the contest for Best Stock in 2011 with Visa -- up a whopping 58% in 2011 -- and why Sizemore has chosen Turkcell as the best stock to own in 2012.
Listen to this insightful 16 minute audio interview now:
Read corresponding news release here:
More great advice from Charles Sizemore via this video interview. Sizemore says "Buy Germany."
Ideas and tips from Marie Swift, a nationally-recognized consultant who's worked with some of the top financial advisory firms nationwide for nearly twenty years. This blog spotlights financial services firms and allied institutions that Swift deems as adopting "Best Practices" in the industry. Swift also shares some of her own tools and ideas aimed at helping independent financial advisors.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
"The Dull Investor" shares insights with members of the Garrett Planning Network at the 11th Annual Retreat
Here is a "highlights reel" of Allan Roth's opening keynote presentation for the Garrett Planning Network, held October 29-30 in Denver, Colorado. A record-attendance audience cheered and clapped enthusiastically at several moments during his speech. Learn more about Allan and his very impressive background at
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
In a few weeks I’ll be speaking at the Financial Advisors Money Show. My topic: Marketing That Works for Financial Advisors Today. I have a number of success stories to share with the audience that will gather in Chicago on October 19, 2011, but I’m also looking for a few new success stories to add.
If you are doing something in the way of marketing, public relations, social media and online visibility, or have perfected a sure-fire method for generating quality introductions, I’d like to hear from you – and I’m offering a $360 prize to the top three contributors.
There are a couple ways you can submit your success stories to me:
1. Visit my personal blog, There you can read about The Money Show for Financial Advisors, including my marketing presentation and Ric Edelman’s practice management presentation. Simply place a comment on that blog entry and I will get a note from the BlogSpot system letting me know to take a look. No one else will see your comment unless I “release it” and make it “live” on the blog – so if you want your name withheld or don’t want your success story to show up “live” on my Best Practices in the Financial Services Industry blog, just put that in your post and I will honor your request. Be sure to put your name, phone number, email address and website URL in your post so I can contact you with any questions and/or for additional conversation.
2. Send your contact information and comments to me via my assistant Mary Ellen will make sure I see your contribution. I’ll be in touch if I need more information or want to dialog a bit.
In addition to potentially using your marketing idea in my speeches and/or future articles for, my team and I will be looking for the best three marketing ideas or success strategies submitted.
I’ll be sending the top three contributors a certificate good for a free Marketing Evaluation (a $360 value). A professional marketing consultant from Impact Communications will review your Web site and marketing materials. Then during a consulting call with you and/or your staff, your Impact Marketing Consultant will provide professional recommendations and insights on how to improve your overall look and feel, marketing message, target marketing campaigns, etc.
Post your marketing idea now!
To read a Marketing Success Story:
Enter "Marketing Maven blog" or "Marie Swift" in the search box and all my recent articles will show up in a list. Suggestion: Read the one dated 10/5/11 on Becoming The Heritage Planning Professional in Your Community.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
impact communications,
marie swift,
new york times,
social media,
web 2.0,
Monday, September 26, 2011
Marketing That Works for Advisors Today
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 | 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 | 4:00 pm - 4:50 pm
Register Free at:
Given the economic fallout of the past couple of years, there has never been a time in recent history when so many prospects are looking for a new advisor. In today's hyper competitive landscape, you need to find unique ways to differentiate yourself from the competition. The old methods do not allow you to demonstrate your relevant value to your clients, and are not very effective any more. In this keynote presentation, marketing guru, Marie Swift, will share stories of advisors who are gaining market share through online visibility and social media strategies, public relations and credibility marketing, purpose-driven prospecting, event marketing, and much more. Don't miss this fast-paced session as Swift provides simple yet effective ideas for attracting the kind of new clients and valuable assets that can propel your firm to the next level of success!
Special Bonus for Attendees!
Scan your conference pass (or take a photo of it with your smart phone) and send it to Put in your email subject line: SPECIAL MONEYSHOW OFFER.
That will entitle you to receive one of the following bonuses:
FREE Marketing Evaluation (a $360 value)
A professional marketing consultant from Impact Communications will review your Web site and marketing materials. Then during a consulting call with you and/or your staff, your Impact Marketing Consultant will provide professional recommendations and insights on how to improve your overall look and feel, marketing message, target marketing campaigns, etc. Get 2 free hours of consulting time, compliments of Impact Communications and The MoneyShow.
Learn more about The Impact Consulting Team:
- OR -
$300 off the normal price of Media Mastery University
This dynamic, group training and empowerment program offered by Impact Communications will teach you everything you need to know to succeed in the fast-paced world of media relations. You'll also receive a targeted media list, a 90-page Media Manual, dozens of templates for creating your own news releases and pitches, and much more. This 3-month class is conducted virtually so you do not need to travel to a venue to participate.
See full program details:
Friday, September 9, 2011
Many of the industry's best and brightest advisors have embraced a financial life planning methodology. Well known planners such as Rick Kahler, Marty Kurtz, Cicily Maton and Michael Kay all endorse the Money Quotient program. I'm a big fan so wanted to make sure you knew about the opportunity to participate in the following two training courses.
If you are on the East Coast, this is a wonderful opportunity to get the training and experience you need without traveling to Money Quotient's West Coast offices!
Fundamentals of Financial Life Planning
October 21, 22 and 23
This intensive 3-day course covers both the philosophical foundation and the practical application of the M.Q. model of Financial Life Planning. Gain hands on experience while learning how to integrate and custom-fit the M.Q. tools and processes to enhance your practice and strengthen your client relationships.
Increase your Financial Life Planning skills, knowledge and confidence. Plan now to participate in this in-depth training seminar.
Advanced Training: Client Communications & Discovery
October 24 & 25
Money Quotient will also conduct a 2-day Advanced Training, "Principles of Client Communication & Discovery," on October 24th & 25th. Completion of the "Fundamentals of Financial Life Planning" course is a prerequisite for attending the Advanced Training.
Visit to register or learn more!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Special Invitation from Marie Swift and Matt Bellis
You are cordially invited to enjoy two free consulting calls with Matt Bellis, compliments of Marie Swift. There is no cost or obligation to continue on with Matt. We guarantee you will get value from the first 2 calls!
Listen to this!

Marie Swift interviews Matt Bellis about his system, the power of story telling and being a giver. 20 minutes well spent!

To sign up for your 2 FREE consulting sessions, contact Matt Bellis at:
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Social Media Boot Camp with Marie Swift and Special Guests
Date: Saturday, September 24, 2011
Location: Fairfield University Dolan School of Business / Fairfield, CT
Sponsored by:
FPA CT - Fairfield County Chapter
FPA Greater Hudson Valley Chapter
Fairfield University
What Are You Doing to Build Your Online Presence Using Web 2.0 and Multi-Media?
What you do online may help beef up your bottom line!
Are you a business owner, financial advisor or service professional who's wondered if you are "missing the boat" online?
Have you ever wondered what the real ROI is on adding multi-media and/or social media to your online brand building strategy?
Are you totally happy with what comes up when people "Google you"?
The truth is: Every business professional needs to be online, building their public persona and promoting their business!
Why? Because that's where your clients, prospective clients and strategic partners are going to check you out.
The truth is: You can't afford NOT to be building a strong presence online. If you are not seen in a favorable way when people hit your website or do an online search you will not be seen as a viable resource.
Learn how to Build Your Online Presence, whether or not you can or want to use social networking tools such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, blogging and YouTube.
This jam-packed day will give you newfound knowledge of the major Web 2.0 and social media tools "out there". Whether you choose to use them or not, you MUST be aware of what they are and how your clients - and competitors - are using them to gather information and make informed business decisions.
You'll do a self-assessment using Marie Swift's Online Diagnostic tool to determine where the gaps are in your online strategy. You'll be able to quickly see what your peers are doing online that you're not and what the next steps are for you.
Marie Swift, a marketing expert and founder of Impact Communications, will provide a 4-step Success Plan for Building Your Online Presence. She'll share what other business owners, financial advisors and service professionals are doing to gain visibility online and how they tie-it to real-world results.
Andy Gluck, a marketing expert and founder of Advisor Products, will tell you how to harness the power of the Web using multi-media, keywords and cross-linking strategies. He'll show you how to get the highest page rankings when Google you or search for keywords online.
Drew King from Front Center Media will show you how you can produce a custom lifestyle magazine using their turnkey system.
Allan Slider of Financial Advice Network will be on hand to answer questions about online visibility tools.
Other special guest presenters are being confirmed now.
Those who elect to stay on for the afternoon session will actually build a blog, record a video message, record and audio message, and upload their newly created multi-media clips to their new blog site.
Special Bonus Webinar with Marie Swift and Leia Farmer!
Go to to download program info and registration form.
Watch this informative video! In an effort to beef up their online presence, many financial advisors, business owners and service professionals are turning to Web 2.0 and social media. But can this help your business? Financial Planning magazine's AdvisorTV film crew reports.
Date: Saturday, September 24, 2011
Location: Fairfield University Dolan School of Business / Fairfield, CT
Sponsored by:
FPA CT - Fairfield County Chapter
FPA Greater Hudson Valley Chapter
Fairfield University
What Are You Doing to Build Your Online Presence Using Web 2.0 and Multi-Media?
What you do online may help beef up your bottom line!
Are you a business owner, financial advisor or service professional who's wondered if you are "missing the boat" online?
Have you ever wondered what the real ROI is on adding multi-media and/or social media to your online brand building strategy?
Are you totally happy with what comes up when people "Google you"?
The truth is: Every business professional needs to be online, building their public persona and promoting their business!
Why? Because that's where your clients, prospective clients and strategic partners are going to check you out.
The truth is: You can't afford NOT to be building a strong presence online. If you are not seen in a favorable way when people hit your website or do an online search you will not be seen as a viable resource.
"Don't miss this important workshop! It may be quite some time before we'll be able to get Marie Swift and Andy Gluck back here in our region to do the Web 2.0 and Social Media Boot Camp again!"
- Mark Brownstein, President, FPA Greater Hudson Valley Chapter ~
- Mark Brownstein, President, FPA Greater Hudson Valley Chapter ~
Early Bird Registration Deadline Ends 8/24/11!
For more details and to register, visit
Go to to download program info and registration form.
For more details and to register, visit
Go to to download program info and registration form.
Please note that registrations after 8/24/11 must be received by 9/10/11. After 9/10/11, please contact Lori Somerville at 877-777-0600 or to check space availability.
Learn how to Build Your Online Presence, whether or not you can or want to use social networking tools such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, blogging and YouTube.
This jam-packed day will give you newfound knowledge of the major Web 2.0 and social media tools "out there". Whether you choose to use them or not, you MUST be aware of what they are and how your clients - and competitors - are using them to gather information and make informed business decisions.
You'll do a self-assessment using Marie Swift's Online Diagnostic tool to determine where the gaps are in your online strategy. You'll be able to quickly see what your peers are doing online that you're not and what the next steps are for you.
Marie Swift, a marketing expert and founder of Impact Communications, will provide a 4-step Success Plan for Building Your Online Presence. She'll share what other business owners, financial advisors and service professionals are doing to gain visibility online and how they tie-it to real-world results.
Andy Gluck, a marketing expert and founder of Advisor Products, will tell you how to harness the power of the Web using multi-media, keywords and cross-linking strategies. He'll show you how to get the highest page rankings when Google you or search for keywords online.
Drew King from Front Center Media will show you how you can produce a custom lifestyle magazine using their turnkey system.
Allan Slider of Financial Advice Network will be on hand to answer questions about online visibility tools.
Other special guest presenters are being confirmed now.
Those who elect to stay on for the afternoon session will actually build a blog, record a video message, record and audio message, and upload their newly created multi-media clips to their new blog site.
Special Bonus Webinar with Marie Swift and Leia Farmer!
Marie Swift, of Impact Communications, and Leia Farmer, Deputy Chief Compliance Officer with Securities America, will be offering a free educational webinar on Friday, July 15, at 10:00 a.m. EST. If you would like to attend this FREE bonus webinar, register here now: Space is limited.
Early Bird Registration Deadline Ends 8/24/11!
For more details and to register, visit
For more details and to register, visit
Go to to download program info and registration form.
Please note that registrations after 8/24/11 must be received by 9/10/11. After 9/10/11, please contact Lori Somerville at 877-777-0600 or to check space availability.
Watch this informative video! In an effort to beef up their online presence, many financial advisors, business owners and service professionals are turning to Web 2.0 and social media. But can this help your business? Financial Planning magazine's AdvisorTV film crew reports.
More info from Marie Swift:
impact communications,
marie swift,
social media,
web 2.0
FPA Fairfield CT, FPA Hudson Valley, Fairfield University, NAPFA, Securities America* and Impact Communications

Having a good website is mandatory in today’s digital, online world. Multimedia such as podcasts, interactive graphics, and flash movie segments that combine music, narration, images and video clips can make your website come alive. Social media sites such as blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Ning and LinkedIn can help you connect in new, exciting ways with current and prospective clients. But creating or expanding an online presence that will grow your practice requires clear objectives and a plan that delivers on those objectives. This session will cover the fundamentals – “and then some.”
In this recorded one-hour webinar, you will:
• See colorful examples of what other advisors have done in the digital world
• Learn about Spider Marketing – and how that can help generate more traffic to your primary website
• Understand what the ROI is likely to be
• See why it is more important than ever for you to embrace one or more of the social networking platforms
• Hear from a compliance expert on the do’s and don’ts related to social media use
• Get advice from a marketing expert on where to start if you’re late to the party
• Hear suggestions on what to do next if you’ve already dipped your toe into the water
In a nutshell, your instructors will cover:
• Best practices for creating a powerful online presence
• How to add multimedia to online sites
• When and how to add social media to your strategy
• How to work most effectively with compliance
• What the FINRA guidelines say and how to protect yourself from regulator scrutiny
• The best and easiest ways to get started
• How to get help if you’d rather not do it alone
Your instructors:
Marie Swift is President and CEO of Impact Communications, a full-service marketing communications firm serving a select group of independent financial advisors, industry thought-leaders and allied institutions. A regular contributor to industry publications such as MorningstarAdvisor,, AdvisorOne, Research and Financial Planning magazines, industry expert David Drucker calls her a “PR consultant extraordinaire” and featured her firm in “Raising Perceptions,” an article published by Research magazine about the benefits of public relations and credibility marketing. Bob Veres says, “Marie is perhaps the best PR professional in our industry.”
A popular speaker, Swift has spoken at numerous conferences within the financial services industry. She has received high ratings from participants at various venues including the NFL Players Association, TD Ameritrade, Pershing, Lockwood University, Charles Schwab, Securities America, Financial Network, the Financial Planning Association, the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors and the Garrett Planning Network.
Swift uses Twitter ( and her Best Practices in the Financial Services Industry blog ( as well as LinkedIn, Ning, multi-media engagement tools and online newswire services to build relationships in the digital realm.
Learn more about Marie Swift at
Swift uses Twitter ( and her Best Practices in the Financial Services Industry blog ( as well as LinkedIn, Ning, multi-media engagement tools and online newswire services to build relationships in the digital realm.
Learn more about Marie Swift at
Leia Farmer is Deputy Chief Compliance Officer with Securities America, Inc., one of the largest independent broker/dealers in the nation. Leia’s primary responsibilities are to oversee the RIA Compliance and Policies and Procedures teams within Securities America.
During its National Conference in Orlando, Fla., in June 2011, Securities America announced its new social media program, which will allow all of its 1,800 reps to access and post content on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter in mid-July. Leia was a part of the internal task force that analyzed and selected Securities America's social media compliance solution, and will participate in the social media / compliance training sessions provided by the firm in 2011.
Under the Securities America program, advisors will need to get static content, such as a profile page or market commentary, pre-approved by the firm’s compliance department. But any communications that are interactive—accepting events, creating groups and posting Tweets and comments that respond to questions—will not require pre-approval before they go live. These types of communications will go through a review process after the content has gone up.
Leia understands the FINRA guidelines as they pertain to registered representatives and social media use. She will share her insights with the webinar attendees on July 15th.
Prior to joining Securities America, Leia worked as the Chief Compliance Officer for Brecek &Young Advisors, Inc., a mid-sized broker/dealer that was acquired by Securities America in 2009. She was also a compliance analyst for E*Trade. In addition to over 11 years of industry experience, Leia has a bachelor’s degree from the University of California Berkeley in Legal Studies and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management from the University of Phoenix. Leia holds the Series 7, 63, 24, 4, and 66 licenses.
Learn more about Leia at Get practice management tips and learn more about building your online presence at
*Securities America, Inc. is a Registered Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services are offered through Securities America Advisors, Inc., a SEC Registered Advisory Firm.
If you are interested in taking a deeper dive and/or building your online presence during a live, instructor- guided, computer-lab experience led by marketing expert Marie Swift, sign up now to attend one of these live boot camps:
If you are interested in taking a deeper dive and/or building your online presence during a live, instructor- guided, computer-lab experience led by marketing expert Marie Swift, sign up now to attend one of these live boot camps:
Learn more at
Monday, June 27, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Marketing and PR Tips for Financial Advisors: a Conversation with Marie Swift and Nicole Coulter
I attended my first Women Advisors Forum in Chicago on June 10, 2010. The following day, I was the guest on Copernicus Radio with host (and veteran journalist) Nicole Coulter. We spoke about marketing and PR for financial advisors, and I shared what happened at the first of many Women Advisors Forums that I would ultimately attend.
Listen now:
Listen to internet radio with Copernicus Radio on Blog Talk Radio
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Scott Hanson, Co-Founder, Hanson McClain Advisors and Hanson McClain Retirement Network talks about the fiduciary standard and what's best long-term for clients. He also says risk tolerance has changed for clients and that the industry needs to "get it right this time" if we are to restore trust after the erosion caused by recent Wall Street scandals.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Open Mic Conversation with Ed Jacobson and Michael Kay - Life Planning Realities
Ed Jacobson and Michael Kay had a nice conversation in February 2011. In his monthly Open Mic call, Ed and asked Michael about his new book The Business of Life: An Inside-Out Approach to Building a More Successful Financial Planning Business.
"I was especially impressed by the book's practicality," said Jacobson. "Michael actually talks about what he does with clients. And I am moved by his personal journey from financial professional to financial planner to financial life planner. This book is one of the few that does it all."
In this 50 minute recorded conversation, Ed asks Michael about his professional and personal journey to becoming an "FLP," elicits some case examples, and asks his advice for others who are wondering how to put a toe in the water of this financial life planning "thing."

About Ed:
About Michael:
"I was especially impressed by the book's practicality," said Jacobson. "Michael actually talks about what he does with clients. And I am moved by his personal journey from financial professional to financial planner to financial life planner. This book is one of the few that does it all."
In this 50 minute recorded conversation, Ed asks Michael about his professional and personal journey to becoming an "FLP," elicits some case examples, and asks his advice for others who are wondering how to put a toe in the water of this financial life planning "thing."

About Ed:
About Michael:
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Financial Planning Industry Influentials Debate Issues of the Day - Playback Available "On Demand"
What Have You Done for Me Lately?
Redefining Your Value as an Advisor Today
On Thursday, January 20, 2011, Marie Swift held a lively Fireside Chat with industry influentials:

Bob Veres
Inside Information
Joel Bruckenstein, CFP®
Technology Tools for Today
Robert Lindner, CFP®
Lindner Capital Advisors
Michael Kay, CFP®
Financial Focus, LLC
Skip Schweiss
TD Ameritrade Trust Company
Listen to the audio version of the Fireside Chat:
Access the multi-media version of the Fireside Chat:
Continue the conversation here on this blog! Post your questions, comments and observations here.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Going Independent: Things to Consider Before Making the Move - Educational Podcast Available "On Demand"
Podcast - Available "On Demand"
Going Independent: Things to Consider Before Making the Move
Marie Swift interviews Financial Network Regional Directors:
John Brackett
BAR Financial, LLC
Dave Hubbard
Exemplar Financial Network
Cheryl Chiara, CFA®
Financial Network Investment Corporation
Listen to the round table discussion now.
Read the transcript, if you prefer.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
T3 Technology Conference to Provide Practical Wisdom, Expert Advice
Session Topics will Address Real-Life Productivity Issues
David Drucker and Joel Bruckenstein, two of the financial planning industry's best known leading lights and producers of the 6th Annual "T3" Technology Tools for Today™ Conference, today announced details of conference breakout sessions to be held at the Grand Hyatt Bonaventure Hotel in Weston, FL February 16-19th, 2011."We are introducing several new and exciting sessions that reflect changes in the marketplace," said David Drucker. "They will provide participants with guidance and advice for utilizing the latest products and services available. For example, the iPad was an instant hit for entertainment purposes, but it can also be used just as effectively in business. Advisors who are using it productively will share their insights and experiences about how this tool has transformed client meetings and presentations."
"Virtual Work Partners: Outsourcing Done Successfully" will offer practical information about this modern solution for administrative support. Jennifer Goldman with MyVirtualCOO, Stephanie Platt with Financial Services Outsourcing Solutions Inc., and Jessica Riner with Consider it Done! will teach participants about virtual assistants: what they do, best practices for working with them and how they can be used to reduce onsite administrative employee costs.
Oren Chaplin of Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A. will lead a session on "Practical and Legal Issues Surrounding Technology Service Providers," in which he will discuss some of the legal issues that advisors face when using technology service providers. It will be different from the standard compliance discussion in that he will address real issues that advisors face in their relationships with technology service providers such as ownership of information, protecting against third party claims of infringement and indemnification.
Another session, "Workflow and Process: How to Identify and Incorporate It Into Your CRM," will be a discussion with Ken Golding of Junxure and Deborah Fox of Fox College Funding. "Advisors are hearing more and more that they need to use a robust CRM," Bruckenstein said. "This session will help them assess different ones in the marketplace so that they can choose the right one for them."
In addition to 25 or more breakout sessions, general sessions include presentations by TD AMERITRADE Institutional, Laserfiche and Asset Dedication. For conference registration, sponsorship application and additional details, visit T3's newly revamped website,
Standard price of $ 375.00 starts on 12/16/2010 and ends on 2/15/2011 at 11:59 p.m. Late/Onsite price of $ 400.00 starts on 2/16/2011 at 12:00 a.m.
Follow the T3 Community at Watch a series of short videos from past T3 Conferences and read other important information at
Read full news release: T3 Technology Conference to Provide Practical Wisdom, Expert Advice
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